Coffee Drinks | Cups To Gallons - Part 3

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Blended Honey Coffee

Simple, easy to make that give you a quick pick-me-up. You’ll love every sip of this pleasantly sweet coffee, inspired by the taste of a traditional Spanish latte.

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Creamy, Frothy Iced Latte

Between its rich flavor and cool refreshment, this Iced Latte is simply irresistible. Easy to make, easier to drink. Print Recipe Creamy,

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Viennese (4 servings)

Viennese Coffee is the name of a popular traditional cream-based coffee beverage. This isn’t your regular cup of Java! Dress it up with chocolate, whipped cream and more, making it a drink to

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Spice Coffee

How about a holiday (or really any time of the year) coffee with so much spice it will knock your sox off? If you are coffee connoisseur you will be sure to love the cup.

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